Tuesday, March 24, 2009


This weekend I made the patchwork pincushion from Last-Minute Patchwork + Quilted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson and a thread holder from The Stitching Room.

I already have a few pincushions that I use on a regular basis- one for my sewing needles, one for the sewing pins, one for the embroidery/wool needles, one that I keep by the sewing machine that holds pins as I take them off- I really could do without another pincushion, but I couldn't help myself!!! I thought it was going to be a challenge sewing each segments, but it wasn't at all. I got really excited once I closed it off, and tightened everything with cotton to definite each segment. I have it sitting on my desk as a paperweight instead. It's too pretty to put pins in!!!

I also made a thread holder using the easy tutorial on The Stitching Room. I made one last year as soon as I began sewing with the intention of using it as a thread holder, instead, it sits on my desk holding little things like my cell, lip balm, pen drive etc. Now, I finally got around to making a second thread holder and I'm happy it's doing its job!!

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